Metric Number |
Findings of DVV |
Supporting Documents |
1.2.1 |
- List of programs in which CBCS/Elective course system implemented in the last completed academic year certified by the Registrar of the affiliating university.
- Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS meetings highlighting the relevant documents to this metric of the affiliating university.
- Affiliating University letter stating implementation of CBCS
- Structure of the program clearly indicating courses, credits/Electives as approved by the competent board. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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1.3.2 |
- Year-wise List of the students enrolled in the Program as defined in 1.2.2.
- Attendance sheet of student participating with signature should be provided. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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1.3.3 |
List of students undertaking Moot Courts, Court visits, Arbitration/Mediation/Client Counseling Exercises, and internship in law firms/NGOs/Judicial Clerkships/ field projects etc.,(to be provided. Participation Certificate in Moot Courts, Court visit report submitted to the University, certificate endorsing the student participation in arbitration/Mediation/Client Counseling, internship completion certificate provided by the host law firm, NGO. Certificate of clerkship assistances from judiciaries. Report of the field visit with
sample photographs of the field visit Note: all documents should have clear dates of engagements and should be on official letterhead. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted
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1.3.4 |
Please provide a list of students enrolled in the program, categorized by each year as described in
1.2.1. Also share attendance records for participating students, along with certificate In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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1.4.1 |
Filled in sample feedback Forms (at least 4 no.s in each category) from the stakeholders are to be provided. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide and Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows:- translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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2.1.1 |
- Document related to Sanction of intake from affiliating University/Government/ statutory body.
- Approved admission list year-wise/ program-wise from the Institution duly attested by the Principal. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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2.1.2 |
- Copy of letter issued by state govt. or Central Government indicating the reserved categories to be considered as per the state rule (Translated copy in English to be provided as applicable).
- Final admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and signed by the principal.
- Admission extract submitted to the state OBC SC and STcell every year.
- Number of seats earmarked for the reserved categories. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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2.2.2 |
- Certified list of fulltime teachers along with the departmental affiliation in the latest completed academic year.
- List showing the number of students across all year in each of the programs in the latest completed academic year. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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2.4.1 |
- Sanction letters indicating number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority (including Management sanctioned posts).
- List of full time teachers appointed along with their departmental affiliation. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted
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2.4.2. |
List of full time teachers with Ph.D./LLD Ph.D./LLD degree certificates Degrees awarded by UGC recognized universities only to be considered. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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2.4.3 |
List of faculty along with particulars of the date of Appointment in the HEI and years of experience. Teaching experience of previous institutions can also be included here. (for details of full time teachers- Refer glossary). In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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2.4.4 |
Please provide appropriate supportings as per metric 2.4.4. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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2.6.2 |
- Result sheet published by the affiliating university attested by the principal.
- Certified report from Controller Examination of the affiliating university/Principal of the Institution indicating pass percentage of students of the finalyear (final semester) eligible for the degree program wise / year-wise.
- Annual report of the Institution highlighting the pass percentage of students. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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3.1.1 |
List of grants for research projects received during the last five years along with the nature of award, the awarding agency and the amount. E-copies of the letters of award for research projects sponsored by Government and non- government sources. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted. |
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3.1.2 |
- Detailed report for each program.
- Brochure/Photograph with date and captions; title of the workshops / seminars conducted.
- Details of resource persons. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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3.1.3 |
List of funded seminar and details of fund disbursement by sponsoring agency along with audited income expenditure statement. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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3.2.1 |
e-copies of letters from the University indicating the name of the Guide / co- guide recognized Data pertaining to only teachers of the Institution in the latest completed academic year. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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3.2.2 |
- The HEI should provide the link landing to the paper/article.
- The HEI should provide the link to the journal website.
- The HEI should provide screenshots of research articles clearly showing the title of the article,
affiliation, name of the journal, year and authors name if the links and DOI number are not available. The HEI should indicate in the data template against each paper about the presence of the paper in the UGC CARE list/Scopus/Web of Science/other clearly. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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3.2.3 |
- Cover page, content page and first page of the publication
- Web-link of research papers by title, author, Department/ School/ Division/ Centre/ Unit/ Cell, name and year of publication. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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3.3.2 |
- Geo tagged Photographs and any other supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates.
- Detailed report for each extension and outreach program to be made available, with specific mention of number of students participated and collaborating agency. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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3.4.1 |
- List of activities conducted under each MoU along with dates of starting and completion year-wise as endorsed by both parties
- E-copy of the letters showing MOUs with other institutions. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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4.1.2 |
- Provide the consolidated fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities duly certified by Principal and Charted Accountant in case of Privately funded institutions
- Highlight the relevant items in the audited income and expenditure statement. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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4.2.2 |
- Provide consolidated extract of expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years duly attested by Head of the Institution and Charted Accountant.
- Audited Income/Expenditure statement highlighting the expenditure for purchase of books, journals and subscription of legal databases In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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4.3.2 |
- Number of Computers/laptop available for student use only will be considered. • Bills for the purchase of computers.
- Highlight the entries of computers purchased in the stock registers. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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4.4.1 |
Provide audited income and expenditure statement highlighting the items of expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by Head of the Institution and CA. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive link are not accepted.
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5.1.1 |
- Upload sanction letter of scholarship /freeships.
- Year-wise list of students benefitted in each scheme. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.1.2. |
Web-link to particular programs/schemes mentioned in the metric Copy of circular /brochure/report of the event/activities Photographs with date and caption for each scheme or event List of programs conducted and the number of students participated in each of the events. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.1.4 |
- Minutes of the meetings of student redressal committee, annual report of prevention of sexual harassment committee and Anti Ragging committee.
- Circular/web-link/ committee report justifying the objective of the metric
- Proof of constitution of Internal Complaints Committee/ Grievances Redressal Committee formation/Anti Ragging Committee as per UGC regulations. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.2.1 |
- List of students placed along with placement details such as name of the company, compensation, etc year wise.
- Offer letter/Report of placement cell. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.2.2 |
- State Bar Council Enrolment number
- State Bar Council registration certificate. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.2.3 |
Upload supporting data for students who have joined for higher education in prescribed format for all the years in the assessment period. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.2.4 |
- List of students yearwise under each head
- Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination year wise under each category. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.3.1 |
e-copies of award letters and certificates. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.3.3 |
- Report of the events/along with photographs appropriately dated and captioned year wise.
- Copy of circular/brochure indicating such kind of activities.
- List of students participated in different events year-wise. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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5.4.2 |
- Annual audited statements of accounts of HEI highlighting Alumni contribution duly certified by Chartered Accountant
- List of alumnus/alumni with the amount contributed year wise. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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6.2.3 |
- Institutional expenditure statements for the heads of E-governance implementation reflected in the audited statement.
- ERP Document
- Screenshots of user interfaces of each module reflecting the name of the HEI.
- Annual e-governance report approved by Governing Council.
- Policy document on e- governance. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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6.3.2 |
- Policy document on providing financial support to teachers.
- E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving
financial support year-wise under eh head.
- Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/works hop s and towards membership fee for Professional bodies. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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6.3.3 |
- List of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the institution
- Brochures and Reports year-wise
- List of participants in each programme
- Photographs with date and caption.
- Annual reports of the programme conducted at institution level. In case if documents are in regional language please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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6.4.2 |
- Annual audited statements of accounts highlighting the grants received.
- Copy of letter indicating the grants/funds received from respective agency as stated in metric. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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6.5.3 |
- Proceedings of meetings of IQAC, Feedback analysis and action taken report.
- Activities conducted under Collaborative quality initiatives with other institutions.
- Supporting documents pertaining to NIRF (along with link to the HEI’s ranking in the NIRF portal).
- ISO certificate / NBA certificate or quality certificate from any recognized. state/national / international agencies for the assessment period.
- Supporting document to be provided as per the options selected. All kind of audits should have reports provisioned. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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7.1.2 |
- Geo tagged photographs with captions of the facilities.
- Bills for the purchase of equipments for the facilities created under this metric.
- Any other relevant proof for the selected options.
- Permission document for connecting to the grid from the Government/ Electricity authority. In case if documents are in regional language please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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7.1.4 |
- Geo tagged photographs with captions of the facilities.
- Bills for the purchase of equipments forthe facilities created under this metric.
- Any other relevant evidences for the selected options.
- Green audit reports on water conservation by recognised bodies. In case if documents are in
regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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7.1.6 |
- Policy document on environment and energy usage
- Certificate from the auditing agency.
- Certificates of the awards received from the recognized agency (if any).
- Report on environmental promotional activities conducted beyond the campus with geo tagged photographs with caption and date.
- Any other supporting document for the claims made. In case if documents are in regional language,
please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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7.1.10 |
- Policy document on code of ethics.
- Constitution and proceedings of the monitoring committee.
- Circulars and geo tagged photographs of the activities organized under the metric for teachers, students, administrators and other staffs.
- Document showing Code of Conduct for students, teachers, governing body and administration as approved by the competent authority.
- Handbooks, manuals and brochures on human values and professional ethics
- Report on the student attributes facilitated by the Institution Web-Link to the relevant documents on the HEI website. In case if documents are in regional language, please provide translated copy in English. Google drive links are not accepted.
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